The Comic Diary of a Middle School Boy

About the book

An Original Graphic Novel

The graphic novel is conceived as a series of funny stories, all based on 100% real pranks and mishaps.

SOMEBODY STOP FELIX! - Episode 1 - Summer Camp Daze, the first volume of the series, is a comic confession, written and illustrated for kids and teenagers, but also for grown-ups who still feel young.


Perfect for a summer vacation...

Listen to the Audiobook

In this first volume of the series, Felix (together with his good friends Max and Alex) suddenly finds himself in a summer camp, sent there by his parents. What he's doing here is what he knows best: he's making a fool of himself by getting into the craziest situations, he's playing pranks (pretty nasty ones) on other fellow campers (by the way, don't try this at home, kids!), or he's simply annoying everyone.

Anyway, it's the kind of tricks you definitely haven't heard of before!

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More about Felix...

Dozens of Original Pranks and Jokes!


The Launch Event

The Romanian version of the novel was released on May 27, 2017, during the BookFest show in Bucharest, and it quickly became a local bestseller...


The Second Episode

A year later, in 2018, at the same BookFest Show, we launched the 2nd Episode: The Square Root of all Problems, with a brand new set of fabulous jokes


The Author

Razvan 'Franco' Nitoi, born in 1971 in Romania, is actually a debutant in writing graphic novels. He graduated the Architecture University in 1996, then switched to graphic design (his main career choice)...


After gathering a certain amount of experience in... playing tricks and pranks on people, he was struck by a new idea: all that... hmmm... wisdom must be passed on to the young people!